Personal Constructivism Cover
Personal Constructivism Cover

Category: Books

Personal Constructivism: Theory And Applications

by Larry M. Leitner & Jill C. Thomas

  • Personal Constructivism Cover
    Paperback Edition
    $ 40.00

Tab Article

In a sense, the multifaceted contributions in this compendium deconstruct and reconstruct the very concept of personal construct psychology, tracing its personal origins in the life and work of George Kelly, examining its implications for the construction of a social self and its shadow side, alienation, and exploring its affordances for a striking range of clinical and theoretical issues. Anyone who wonders whether this wellspring of constructivist psychology continues to feed into vital contemporary discourse will be reassured by the strength, vitality and novelty of the contributions to these pages, and the clarity with which Kelly’s voice is echoed and extended in the voices of subsequent generations of scholars.

-Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
University of Memphis and author,
Constructivist Psychotherapy

Tab Article

ISBN: 0-944473-94-6
Price: $40.00
Paperback, 2009
431 pages